

Encouraging the cross-border, common economic potential for self-employment through the improvement of the entrepreneurial environment for young and newly founded companies led by women is the general goal of this project.

LOZNICA, the Development and Guarantee Fund Brčko District BiH, the City of Loznica and the Institute for Development and Innovation held an introductory working meeting on the project “Newly established Start-up Enterprise SERVices – NESESER”. The project is implemented within the framework of the IPA program Cross-Border Cooperation Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2020. The contracting authority for this project is the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Serbia, Sector for Contracting and Financing Programs from European Union Funds (CFCU).

The first working meeting of the Project partners was organized in the Scientific and Educational Cultural Center “Vuk Karadžić” in Tršić. During the meeting, the partners discussed a detailed activity plan for the first year of project implementation, a logical framework, as well as a visibility and communication plan.

At the beginning of the meeting, joint project manager Indira Muharemović addressed all attendees, who pointed out: “Entrepreneurship support projects and the development of startup businesses are a priority in the work of the Government of Brčko District BiH and the Unit for the Implementation of Projects from International Funds at the Development and Guarantee Fund of Brčko District BiH.” This project, which will support a minimum of ten businesses in Brčko, is fully aligned with the priorities and measures of the Development Strategy of Brčko District BiH 2021 – 2027 and the Youth Strategy of Brčko District BiH 2022 – 2026. Projects of this type will be a priority in the work and in in the coming period”.

Then the Deputy Mayor of Loznica, Marko Vidić, spoke and pointed out that it was an extraordinary honor and pleasure for him to greet the partners from the Brčko District of BiH as well as the representatives of the Institute for Development and Innovation on behalf of the City of Loznica and to welcome everyone to the first joint meeting within the framework of the project cross-border cooperation that partners implement together. “I believe that through this project we will work together

to improve the quality of life of all our fellow citizens. I wish all of us successful work with hope and desire for successful cooperation, primarily in the realization of this project, but also that in the future we go beyond the scope of this project and deepen and expand our cooperation to other areas as well”, said Vidić.

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